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                        "user": "MediaWiki default",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T03:22:31Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T04:51:28Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 6,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T13:38:40Z",
                        "comment": "Color art\u00edculos no redactados"
                        "revid": 25,
                        "parentid": 6,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:46:27Z",
                        "comment": "Redacci\u00f3n MediaWiki"
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:36:34Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T04:53:15Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con '[[Image:Astronaut-EVA.jpg|thumb|300px|Los desarrollos tecnol\u00f3gicos logrados por la humanidad le permitieron abandonar por primera vez la superficie terrestre en la d\u00e9cada de 1\u2026'"
                        "revid": 39,
                        "parentid": 3,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:38:39Z",
                        "comment": "[[Categor\u00eda:tecnolog\u00edas]]"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T04:55:50Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con '  El '''Centro At\u00f3mico Bariloche''' es uno de los centros de investigaci\u00f3n y desarrollo de la [[Comisi\u00f3n Nacional de Energ\u00eda At\u00f3mica]] de [[Argentina]]. Se hacen en \u00e9l inv\u2026'"
                        "revid": 19,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:30:01Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 23,
                        "parentid": 19,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:38:01Z",
                        "comment": "CAB"
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                        "parentid": 23,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:40:33Z",
                        "comment": "[[Categor\u00eda:centros de investigaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica y tecnol\u00f3gica]]"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T14:37:49Z",
                        "comment": "P\u00e1gina creada con '==PLANES NUCLEARES== Aunque la [[Comisi\u00f3n Nacional de Energ\u00eda At\u00f3mica]] hace investigaciones cient\u00edficas y desarrollos tecnol\u00f3gicos en F\u00edsica Nuclear desde su creaci\u00f3n en\u2026'"
                        "revid": 24,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:41:36Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T14:38:24Z",
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                        "revid": 45,
                        "parentid": 8,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T21:06:45Z",
                        "comment": ""
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T21:08:40Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:00:38Z",
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                        "revid": 10,
                        "parentid": 9,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:08:12Z",
                        "comment": "Datos y v\u00ednculos faltantes"
                        "revid": 11,
                        "parentid": 10,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:14:41Z",
                        "comment": "Retoques"
                        "revid": 12,
                        "parentid": 11,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:17:06Z",
                        "comment": "Categor\u00eda Educaci\u00f3n"
                        "revid": 13,
                        "parentid": 12,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:19:57Z",
                        "comment": "Art\u00edculo CPE Neuqu\u00e9n"
                        "revid": 14,
                        "parentid": 13,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:27:58Z",
                        "comment": "V\u00ednculo a CPE de Neuqu\u00e9n"
                        "revid": 16,
                        "parentid": 14,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:37:33Z",
                        "comment": "Categor\u00eda Informaci\u00f3n"
                        "revid": 20,
                        "parentid": 16,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:31:50Z",
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                        "parentid": 20,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:31:46Z",
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                "title": "Centro de Documentaci\u00f3n e Informaci\u00f3n Educativa de Neuqu\u00e9n"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:36:07Z",
                        "comment": "Bater\u00edas y pilas, v\u00ednculo"
                        "revid": 28,
                        "parentid": 15,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:51:38Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:37:42Z",
                        "comment": "[[Category:reciclado]]"
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                "title": "Reciclado en Argentina"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T15:40:42Z",
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                        "revid": 40,
                        "parentid": 17,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:39:21Z",
                        "comment": "[[Categor\u00eda:ferrocarriles]]"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:22:48Z",
                        "comment": "Versi\u00f3n inicial"
                        "revid": 26,
                        "parentid": 18,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:49:02Z",
                        "comment": "Configuraci\u00f3n general de MediaWiki"
                        "revid": 27,
                        "parentid": 26,
                        "user": "Asoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:50:52Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 36,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:36:06Z",
                        "comment": "Categor\u00eda cyt-ar"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "MediaWiki configuraciones"
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:35:38Z",
                        "comment": "Redireccionamiento de la sigla CEDIE"
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                "title": "CEDIE"
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:37:41Z",
                        "comment": "Redireccionamiento a Centro At\u00f3mico Bariloche"
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                "title": "CAB"
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                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T18:59:28Z",
                        "comment": "Versi\u00f3n inicial"
                        "revid": 30,
                        "parentid": 29,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:08:38Z",
                        "comment": "2a. versi\u00f3n"
                        "revid": 31,
                        "parentid": 30,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:21:02Z",
                        "comment": "V\u00ednculos a los organismos"
                        "revid": 32,
                        "parentid": 31,
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:23:46Z",
                        "comment": ""
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:29:07Z",
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:50:07Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 43,
                        "parentid": 42,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T19:53:44Z",
                        "comment": "v\u00e9ase []"
                        "revid": 47,
                        "parentid": 43,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T21:16:42Z",
                        "comment": "art\u00edculo sobre entes reguladores"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Entes reguladores de Argentina"
                "pageid": 14,
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                        "revid": 44,
                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T21:03:38Z",
                        "comment": "Foto de Carlos Eduardo Soliv\u00e9rez, primer administrador de este sitio, en 2005."
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "Archivo:Soliv\u00e9rez Carlos Eduardo 2005.jpg"
                "pageid": 15,
                "revisions": [
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T21:42:35Z",
                        "comment": "Versi\u00f3n inicial"
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                "title": "Industria maderera"
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                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T22:01:55Z",
                        "comment": "versi\u00f3n inicial"
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                "title": "Medicamentos en Argentina"
                "pageid": 17,
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T22:15:43Z",
                        "comment": "Versi\u00f3n inicial"
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                "title": "Servicios de comunicaciones audiovisuales"
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                "revisions": [
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Csoliverez",
                        "timestamp": "2009-10-11T22:41:06Z",
                        "comment": "versi\u00f3n inicial"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Universidades argentinas"