
Medicina incaica

917 bytes añadidos, 11:40 26 ene 2012
'''Medicina incaica'''

* Bennett, W, C, & Bird, J. B.; ''Andean culture History''; American Museum of Natural History; New York (EEUU); 1949.
* Bischoff, W. A y otros; ''From incas to indios''; Edit. Universe Books Inc.; New York (EEUU); 1956.
* Castiglioni, A.; ''A History of Medicine''; Edit. Alfred A. Knopf; New York (EEUU); 1947.
* Flornoy, Bertrand; ''The world of the inca''; Edit. The Vanguard Press; New York (EEUU); 1956.
* Haggard, H. W.; ''Mystery, magic and Medicine''; Edit. Harcourt, Brace and Company; New York (EEUU);1933.
* Rivers, W. H. R.; ''Medicine, magic and Medicine''; Edit. Harcourt, Brace and Company; New York (EEUU); 1924.
* Stirling, N. W.; ''Indians of the Americas''; National Geographic Society; New York (EEUU); 1955.
* Thorndyke, Lynn; ''A History of magic and experimental science''; Edit. Macmillan Company; New York (EEUU); 1924‑1941.
