* Nelson, Richard; [http://www.nber.org/chapters/c2141 ''The link between science and invention: the case of the transistor''] (El vínculo entre la ciencia y la invención: el caso del transistor). En ''The rate and direction of inventive activity: economic and social factors'' (El ritmo y rumbo de la inventiva: factores económicos y sociales); National Bureau of Economic Research; EEUU; ISBN 08701430402; pp. 549‑584.
*Burgess, Marc; [http://sites.google.com/site/transistorhistory/ ''Transistor history'']; 2008.
* Guarnieri, Massimo; ''[https://www.academia.edu/35560276/Seventy_Years_of_Getting_Transistorized Seventy Years of Getting Transistorized]''; IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol. 11, Nº 4; 2017.
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_transistor Historia del transistor] en Wikipedia en inglés.
Cambios - ECyT-ar


Invención del transistor

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